How to Make the Best Kimchi Ever

How to Make the Best Kimchi Ever

I tasted fresh kimchi for the first time a few years ago at a Korean restuarant and I was instantly hooked.  The owner explained to me that unlike aged kimchi, the cabbage from the fresh kimchi (aged only two days) is still firm, slightly crunchy and sweet.  It lacks the pungent sour smell of aged kimchi but the powerful taste of onion and garlic is louder. Store bought kimchi is often too over aged for me. So the only way I can duplicate the sweet flavour was to make my own.

My Favorite Kimchi Recipes

My favourite Korean recipes are from
Maangchi is amazing.  She gives clear directions and her recipes are quite easy to manage. I have tried a few with great success. The only difficulty to making kimchi is the long prep time. The process will take a few hours as the cabbage needs to be soaked, the chilli paste cooked then cool before the ingredients can finally be mixed together.

How to Adapt a Recipe to Make it Your Own
This is very important as every family has their own recipe.
  • I am allergic to raw garlic, so I mix the garlic paste into the rice porridge when it is still hot.
  • Korean chilli flakes are not spicy enoug for my taste buds though they are the only chilli flakes I have used that gives that beautiful red colour to dishes. I usually add in some dried Thai chilli peppers that I have grind very finely to step up the spiciness.
  • Sometimes when I want an extra kick in flavour, I add a spoon or two of shrimp paste or dried fish. I have also tried using different fish sauces for a change of flavor.
Make sure everything is covered with chili ^ or your kinchi will not ferment properly. Oops, looks like I missed a few pieces.

Fermenting Kimchi

I usually eat a big bowl of the kimchi before its fermented.  It is so yummy!  This sweet flavor will last 2 to 3 days in the fridge before it starts to ferments. I store the rest in large jars and leave them on the kitchen counter for 24 hour, depending on the temperature of the room. Once bubbles form, they are put in the fridge.

I make a large batch each time.  For me, sharing kimchi with my friends and family is the best part. My spicy friends are all smiles when they see the jars

See also my Feiry Crab Recipe


  • The best way to mix the kimchi is by hand.  Wear gloves!  The chilli paste can be very irritating for some people and leave hands smelling like garlic for days.
  • Please make sure the lids are on very securely or the fridge will smell like kimchi!
  • When making a big batch, I only ferment half the amount of the kinchi on the kitchen counter. The rest goes straight to the fridge where it ferments slowly. I would eat the fermented ones first.

Learn how to Steam Fish.