Spicy Sichuan Poached Fish with Pickled Murstard Greens

Spicy Sichuan Poached Fish with Pickled Murstard Greens

四川酸菜魚 This is a dish that I never get tired of. Just thinking about it makes my mouth water.  Maybe because there is nothing in the world that taste quite like it.  Who can serisouly say no to tender bites of fish poached in a 

Braised Lobsters with XO Sauce and Tomatoes

Braised Lobsters with XO Sauce and Tomatoes

Braised Lobsters with XO Sauce and Tomatoes

Eggs with Pan Fried Wild Scallops and Chives.

Eggs with Pan Fried Wild Scallops and Chives.

野生帶子韭黃炒蛋 I seriously have an egg addiction. I eat at least two a day, almost everyday. They are just so tasty and handy to have around. I buy free range eggs at the fresh market. The egg seller is so sweet, she always chooses the 

Slow Cooked  Abalone in Butter Sauce

Slow Cooked Abalone in Butter Sauce

Tender bite size pieces of abalone in a smooth golden sauce. My husband loves seafood and does a wonderful job in finding the coolest things at the fresh market. Today he came home with a few giant abalone from Tasmania. I was super excited but 

Summer Hot Pot with Home Made Broth

Summer Hot Pot with Home Made Broth

Summer hot pot night featuring French blue lobsters and geoduck with home made bone broth. With covid going strong, there were only 2 of us sharing this delicious dinner. Other times, its nice to have friends and family cooking together, creating their own dipping sauces.